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RE: Libertarianism can and does work

in #liberty7 years ago

He's saying, "Libertarianism lacks evidence of its working because, in order to have a peaceful and functioning society where we can engage in respectful, non-violent exchanges, we need a powerful government setting up rules, protecting our rights, enforcing agreements and laws, providing welfare so people aren't desperate, and taxing us in order to pay the costs of doing all that."

Yeah, he's saying that. And it's exactly as ridiculous as saying we need unicorns to make our crops grow. There's zero evidence for his claims, and plenty of evidence against them, including the fact that I don't need government "help".

Government is the opposite of peaceful society. It is a sign your society has failed and isn't functional. Its every "exchange" is aggressive. It is disrespectful. Government never protects rights, but exists by violating them. Etc.

Saying government is "necessary" is an extraordinary claim; it would require extraordinary evidence. It doesn't matter how many people believe it, or how long gullible people the world over have believed it. It is absurd.


If you're goal is to be an advocate for liberty, I'd suggest that this isn't the best way to respond to such arguments. You're trying to convince people, not berate them.

People who claim the necessity of government do have substantial work behind that claim. You might end up rejecting their arguments and evidence--as I ultimately do--but what they have to say isn't nonsense on its face, and these aren't gullible people.

I'm not saying you're wrong, in the end, but the people who disagree with you aren't stupid, they aren't dupes, and wrestling with and taking seriously what they say, in the best versions of it, is demanding, but it's also the only way we libertarians stand a chance of moving the world in our direction.

I consider all sides of an issue, but I'm not going to wake up every morning scared that maybe gravity isn't working today. I'm also not going to wake up and decide that maybe today, theft and aggression are suddenly OK. Statism is stupid and evil. Period.
Now, some places and some times, I will coddle statists more than other times and places. This is neither the time nor the place for it. I'm sick of them justifying theft and aggression because they are too evil/stupid/cowardly to give it up and be civilized. It probably hurts their feelings, but sometimes people need to have their feelings hurt for advocating evil. Some people will wake up no other way, and others won't give it up no matter how nice you are to them.