"Sides"? My side is liberty

in #liberty6 years ago

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No, I will NOT choose either of those false "sides". I resolutely reject both. There's a majority of garbage there. So many of those are clear archators and nothing else, and most of the others are collaborators with those archators. Pure vermin.

There are a couple of things represented there which I would support... as long as they aren't asking government for favors.

But I also recognize that those I would otherwise support do (usually) ask government for favors. They generally want special privileges, "tax" handouts, or they beg for "laws" to be used against others. I can't support that.

My side is liberty. Period.

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False dichotomies define what passes for political discourse these days. Neither principles nor nuanced consideration have a place.

But, but, but... don't ya wanna be divided and conquered like everyone else? :-)

You are exactly right. The easily divided stay easily conquered.

Please tell me why this is still a problem for humanity from the countless wars, civilizations that have fallen, repeated history... Seriously why are people still falling for this?

Gullibility? Undying hope?

I don't know... it's so frustrating to me because it's so obvious. Maybe it comes down to people wanting to be slaves because they would rather that then have to take responsibility for themselves.... sigh... At least that is the best answer that I have found.