How many statists-- even the flaming statists-- realize they are statists?
A friend's comment made me stop to consider the question. Her observation-- that the ones she knows are completely unaware of their statism-- is right on the mark.
They are like fish, unaware of the water they are immersed in. They can't feel it, taste it, see it or otherwise experience its existence. It simply "is". It is their "normal". They expect (if they are aware enough to expect anything) their experience to be universal.
I, however, can feel statism choking the life out of me sometimes. I'm drowning in the statism the statists can't notice.
Forget draining "the swamp"; their beloved cesspool of lumpy statism needs to be drained and dried and sterilized.
My life has been a case of learning to swim so that their filthy statism doesn't snuff out my life. It hasn't been easy. I think I'm getting better at it. And, I do what little I can to drain their treasured cesspool.
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Statism is engraved in their minds, its all they know. Once they realize that, yes, anarchy can too exist in this world, they'll attempt to hold onto the comfortable lies as it all fumbles to the ground. It's more of an awakening for these people.
As a nuclear engineer, the level of statism I have to deal with just to do my job - not even to build anything, but just to do the planning, engineering and so on - is astonishing.
Just dealing with the building codes inspector to build a garage should be enough to get people properly rebellious, but the veneer of "representative democracy" somehow legitimizes almost any trespass for the average person.
Yes these young Millennial Statists are the perfect example of Zeal without Knowledge, swept away by emotions and little else. I am of the opinion they will one day wake up to smell the shit in their coffee.
The "Greatest Generation" is far worse. So are the boomers. The aging hippies became the very thing against which they once rebelled.
They aren't all Millennials... I know many who are older. Some, much older. Yet, with all they've lived through, they still believe governing others is a legitimate human endeavor.
I think the root of their discontent is the fact that life is not fair. They want government to make it fair or in their words "just". Fools, everyone. Other than that many are nice folks. But still fools.
"Fair" isn't a feature of reality. It was (as Scott Adams says) a concept made up so children and idiots could feel as though they are participating in the conversation. Changing the word to "just" doesn't solve the problem.
(And I doubt a statist would recognize justice if someone rubbed his nose in it.)
You might not feel the chains until you move enough to hear the rattle. And those of us who rattle the chains, and occasionally pull them taut seem to disturb the peace of the contented subjects. Good. Their peace needs to be disturbed, because it is illusory.
On point Sir, statism is not good and actually not a good practice.