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RE: A Simplified Taxless State: A Proposal (part two of three)

in #liberty8 years ago

I'm not sure the proposal really solves the basic problems of modern society. the state must be responsible for protecting the citizen from other citizens, and this is a pernicious activity that requires a privilege utterly susceptible to abuse. but the state must be responsible because no one else can be. and to hold such responsibility it must have the power to enforce rules. but what rules? who gets to make them? who gets to decide what is right and wrong? is it illegal to sell drugs? what kinds? is prostitution illegal? if so, is it illegal to coerce someone into prostitution? and what about defining terrorism? is it terrorism to stand up in the middle of a theatre and yell fire?

these are all the quandaries modern states face and none of them are really addressed in the given proposal. I'm all for federated states where a government serves as a weak glue (which is how the US was designed) between sovereigns and perhaps handles foreign diplomacy, but at the end of the day, local governments still have to perform law enforcement or else gangs do.
