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RE: Liberty Professionals: Friends Who Are Fighting To Further Liberty's Cause

in #liberty8 years ago

No one should be forced to pay another person's medical bills. The government should get out of the business entirely. Our costs are through the roof because of all the government regulations. Doctors cannot make enough money anymore to justify staying doctors. The best people in other words are leaving the profession. That's what happens when you have a government take over the industry too.

We want the best minds in medicine to stay there, right? You do that by incentives, not the opposite. Worst of all, you end up with a two tier system, and the folks without enough money get the crappy lower tier for "free." Guess what though? The wealthy people still get the top tier. They will pay cash to the top doctors for quality care while everyone else gets screwed.

It's hard to maintain a health care system too when so many people don't lift a finger to stay healthy. They eat horribly, do not exercise, and have horrible habits. Then they wonder why they get sick, and then the health care system cannot support them. We need to take a step back as a people and focus on nutrition and staying healthy in the first place.

Then the medical system would fix itself in the free market. Prices would come down, you'd still have quality people as doctors, and the rare person who needed help would get it through voluntary charity by individuals and communities. How are we going to force the best doctors to stay in the business? Are we going to chain them to their operating tables? It isn't going to work.

Ron Paul talked about this in the past. Women who could not afford medical services were helped anyway. People were not turned away when they needed help. Now though? Everything is broken, and doctors have no choice but to turn people away. They are already refusing to take patients with medicare coverage as just one example. Again, is the government going to force them to do it? That won't work well.