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RE: A Simplified Taxless State: A Proposal (part three of three)

in #liberty9 years ago

I find your series fascinating. You are expanding my mind to the fact that this may be possible. (I'm not convinced yet)

In future posts will you be discussing infrastructure? i.e. Water, sewers, roads from dense populations to sparse populations and the continual maintenance? This is where I am interested.

Watching three neighbours who share a three-unit townhouse and could not come to an agreement on replacing the shingles on their roof (all three units were likely leaking due to disrepair. I wonder what it would be like when the price tag is in the millions to repair a stretch of road.

Keep up the good work.


There is a very interesting town in India where municipal infrastructure did not keep up with the growth of the city. The result was a network of private and public options for water and other plumbing, where people just sign up to the cheapest (most cost-efficient) option. Fascinating.

Is there a link to this city?