What a time to be alive!
Happy New Year! It’s 2022 and the Year of the Tiger. Rrrrrrr!
Life is still surreal as the third year of two weeks to flatten the curve begins and yet Covid cases are skyrocketing. Everyone I know that is testing positive are vaxxed and boostered. Despite the amount of Covid conversation, where to buy home tests, schedule boosters, the latest variant, deals on masks, etc, mentioning alternative therapies is strongly discouraged. I’m surrounded by Covid nerds of the acceptable “fact-checked” kind. Meanwhile, many parts of the world and country is ready to put their mandates on the curb.
Not California. It’s 1984 here. Doom and gloom. I’m STILL living my sheltering solo life and being sent links where to get my shots. Even with a Pfizer, Moderna or J&J coursing their veins, people are more scared than last year. And weekly testing doesn’t make them calmer.
M: “Send for a free mask and test kit. You just need to sign up online.”
JNET: “No thank you. I don’t need to be put on any Covid database or mailing list.”
My sister in law sent me her government issued Covid tests and mask since her household had a lot. I stored it away in a drawer…outside of my home….in the patio. The CDC just went official saying cloth masks are useless yet no one has played mask police toward me. I’ll enjoy my rebellion for now and wear a cloth mask that I can coordinate with my clothes. It’s strange that a state that charges you extra if you don’t bring your own bags to go grocery shopping and won’t provide you a straw until you request for one is okay with throw away masks.
My family will only see me when my vaccine status is up to date or when it’s officially stated by Fauci, Biden, the CDC or the WHO that it’s safe to be around me. Maybe they thought I would cave for the holidays but I happily spent Christmas by myself.
R: “These shots and mandates are BS.”
JNET: “I never trust any governments. They are all broken and corrupt.”
R: “I agree.”
JNET: “So why follow what they say?”
R: (silence)
JNET: “Anyway, Biden is the best president ever.”
R: “What??”
JNET: “He is helping implode the whole broken system. I don’t understand how anyone has any love for him. He’s a grumpy old man.”
I shared with my family the now infamous Joe Rogan and Dr. McCullogh podcast before Christmas followed by Dr. Malone’s and it took until this week (SIX WEEKS) for my SIL to respond only to parrot responses that I see on repeat on social media. It is currently IN to tell off people that Joe Rogan is the definition of disinformation. Demands to takedown the Joe Rogan Experience from Spotify has made cancel culture especially entertaining. The censorship crusade backfired with people bullying artists to make statements to disavow Spotify. Some artists ended up canceling themselves.

If you want to have a hoot, check out how the “Fanilows” are attacking Barry Manilow.
People are starting to think the authorities are not right. It’s possible to step down from the modern day Milgram experiment. Breaking the groupthink is a massive hurdle. America may come in last to figure things out especially Los Angeles.
Joe Rogan bridged information that I’ve known of for two years to the masses. The media blackout on doctors concerned about the safety of the jabs is losing its stronghold. The corrupt powers that be won’t go away without a good fight though. There’s more money to be made during this “pandemic” than war with the added bonus of taking away peoples’ rights under the guise of public health. The Great Upset has begun.

The balance is changing. My apartment is a place to forget the rules and friends visit to break them. Finally! Skeptics! It’s refreshing to have a conversation that’s not peppered with parrot talk; legacy media bullet points. It’s astonishing to learn most admit that they stopped watching the news in 2020 after the presidential election. With the evil villain out, all you need to do is follow the crowd of compliance and go with the flow.
Why follow fear and conformity when there’s pure comedic confusion at the Covid circus? Covid made it to “Antarctica” despite being remote with strict vaccine compliance. If you can’t keep the virus away from a remote research station in the middle of ice, you’re silly to think you can control a virus in LaLaLand. The news is absurd.

And the news is just about to blow up with the truck convoys of Canada, Australia, Europe and soon America. I wonder if that will take SIX weeks before that news breaks past the censorship. Interesting times. Here’s to the Great Upset of 2022, the year people finally learn to reclaim their power and stop being so gullible.