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RE: The Wealth of a Nation: Why Capitalism Works

in #liberty9 years ago

Great idealistic article, would work great if it wasn't for

  • any goods, which are only feasible if offered in a monopoly setup, such as railways, airports big part of the Medical Industry (if you have pain or physical problems, there is a third component involved in the price finding beside offer and demand to determine the price).

  • People be genetically re designed to work honest and with a certain respect for people, to meet the root requirements of you Model.

  • otherwise who or what takes care of the biological underprivileged in this setup?

  • how you address the environmental impact of the actors?

  • how one actors is responsible for his actions?

  • if the individuals actors operate almost in anonymity how is trust possible?

  • how you prosecute miss behavior of the actors?

  • who has the power to do and enforce rules?

  • how much state does this Model suggest to provide the basic general income (how is it financanced?)

Regulation is for sure a double sided sword. It is great to a certain degree to ensure an minimum or equal quality of services or product quality on the other hand it is for sure the burden you point out and brings economic inefficiencies to the table, and recently for sure is a key role in securing national interest for key industries rather then looking at the benefit for the population, (see the FDA).

Bureaucrats Industries, Bookkeepers, Regulators, Executors, Bankers what entrepreneurial spirit, can be demanded frequently form the stereotype of People enjoying these jobs? These job typ's , are all outlined by far with the least interpretational spirit required, being very defined what to do and what not.

According to the DISC model (Dominance (D), Inducement (I), Submission (S), and Compliance) you can creat subsets in any population (since we are all equal by law, but not buy biology or personalities ( I would suggest that you enhance your Model by creating at least four ideal individuals and see how they would perform in your model.

My guess is the Dominant, keen for competition is doing fine, the compliant may be not so. For sure the Submissive would be more frequently at the lower end of the food chain in your setup the Inducement ones might lead it.

For sure our current setup is at best a third best solution from an economical and human perspective, but given the fact, that a major part of any population is not keen on taking any risk in life, rather receive orders in a 9-5 setup then being the own boss in a 24-7 setup I think in this century if a fundamental change in systems is demanded, the new system has to address all needs not equal, but to the best ideal from each personalities perspectives. It might be a "Personomical Free Capitalism", where the state is narrowed done to Economical independent Regulation to ensure responsibilities in between the actors in a most ideal way. How you approach the building of the state?

anyway, for sure a great article to rethink the current setup.


I think the best way to bring about freedom would be this: What we have now > limited government (Local, county, state, fed) > go from there. Huge reduction in taxes and regulation. I think we are all ready for it.