Help Cliven Bundy Tell his story

in #liberty8 years ago (edited)

Facebook wouldn't let me post the link they have on their site

how surprising

So I'll post it here and share it back over there ;>

The ignorant pinkos over at Facebook (and Twiter, and Reddit, etc etc) need to realize that they can control their own sheep with their Ministry of Truth tricks, but they can't control free men from using our brains and spreading truth


Not only am I interested in hearing Cliven Bundy's story, I'm also waiting to hear the real story behind the day the FBI murdered LaVoy Finicum.

I thought I had a more recent update than this one:

One FBI agent has been indicted for lying about the incident

I still have not gone through the FOI dump of emails from one democong to another; I'd think you'd need a smoking gun of an email from one of these hacks to or from a FBI or OSP manager to get a criminal conspiracy charge...

but we know what they were pushing for, and what they got

Yeppers. And now, they know we know.
Stay safe, my friend.
(It's all about the land, peeps)

I wonder how much long f-c-book will stay in existence.

The only real benefit of f-c-book is that all of your friends are there, so you can communicate with people you aren't really in contact with.

But, if f-c-book is about to censor 10% of the people, affecting about 50% of the people, they will find a new venue. And with 50% of the people gone... could f-c-book continue existence as a liberals only hangout?


we all underestimate the cat-pic demographic LOL

but honestly, FB is currently good for non-political connection, especially for families consisting of liberals, conservatives, the non-political, and everybody else.

There are several features that I don't think Steemit can match (IM, tagging, etc) that work really well for the family % friend connection.

The sad fact of that is that it sets up so many people for leftist propaganda

I want to know why the bureau of LAND MANAGEMENT has troops with automatic weapons and a whole paramilitary force. I always thought they were a bunch of paper pushers , until that day...upvoted and resteemed General

kickback; it's the strong arm of the Western land swindle that Reid spearheaded.

Force ranchers off land; BLM takes control; BLM leases land to foreign corps; foreign corps donate to politicians

Despicable trash - these totalitarians. And that fcbook dude wants to run for prez? Not a chance.

@stevescoins, I found this article of yours from the resteem by @stay-in-the-gray. I am resteeming and upvoting it for you, and following you now. Where there is censorship I want to do what I can to get around it.

thank you, mitneb!

I have returned your follow. I tend to resteem a lot, but if you scroll down my blog, I hope you can find some interesting material from me regarding both critical thinking processes and the application of #informationwar

@stevescoins, thanks, and I will take some time to go through your posts. I believe we are like-minded in many ways, and I am interested in your perspective from your life experience.

I love it!! To hell with those tyrants and their controlled platforms. This is the future of humanity. Free thinking men and women fighting the lies that keep the minds of the masses in shackles. God bless you!!

Love the horrifying liberalism on fagbook. It is a losing battle and I cannot resist fighting that fight. The whole situation from the moment it began to the unfortunate murder of Finicum was a class on textbook totalitarianism. The continuing saga of despotism in the United States saddens me to the point of losing my faith in revolution.

if you mean "revolution" that everyone rises up and casts off their chains, yep, time to lose that faith. most people are quite happy in whichever chains they put upon themselves, even when the frogs start boiling around them

if you mean "revolution" in terms of a coup from a minority interest group that sets up a government based on rule of law and minarchy, it's been done before (III%)

the reason their revolution failed was that they expected responsible civic action from the citizens as a whole, which is unrealistc

They're censoring all of us who stood with the Bundys brother. You are not alone.

we just have to keep spreading the word