After what felt like an eternity, but was really just a six-week hiccup, my ankle finally tasted the sweet freedom from its confining cast. The doctor gave the green light after inspecting the X-ray, and now it's all about regaining that range of motion. It's going to be a slow journey, with another 2-4 weeks of careful steps and exercises.

The muscles around the ankle are undeniably stiff, and there's still a hint of pain in some spots. The swelling hasn't completely subsided, but as the doc mentioned, that's the last to go. For those curious about the cast removal process, I've exported a GIFs to give you a behind-the-scenes look below.
That saw is actually not sharp, just high vibration to cut off the cast

I've got another date with the doc in a month for a progress-check X-ray. Until then, it's all about the exercises and taking it one step at a time. Here's hoping October brings more healing vibes. Stay awesome, folks!

Greeting HIVE friends! Aaron✌🏻 here, proud member of Team Malaysia, straight from the heart of the magical Borneo Island. Now, I'm calling the vibrant concrete skyscraper cityscape of Kuala Lumpur home. I love getting along to know my community members. So, if you'd like for chat or connect, don't hesitate - pop a comment down below. Looking forward to it!
Join the HIVE Motobiker Club on Discord: https://discord.ggU5YQcxWdQX. We could possibly hit the road together one day, or even just swap some awesome riding tips online.