I have been out of the loop it seems - what a fine piece of work though on the footer :)
A week of normality, I look forward to one of those - hopefully a week or so's time when I am moved into the new place and enjoying a fine ale or 3. Cheers!
I have been out of the loop it seems - what a fine piece of work though on the footer :)
A week of normality, I look forward to one of those - hopefully a week or so's time when I am moved into the new place and enjoying a fine ale or 3. Cheers!
Just think, when you get your own place you can christen it with many a fine can and post about it!!
I go back to work this week at a long time off and that will be a return to normality that I can't be bothered with... Meh!
Balcony Beers, I can see it now. A shame that the view will be mostly of the building but I'll take it for starters knowing that the goal is a sea view.
Work will be tough after a few weeks off, but at least you'll be given ample content on a plate due to the crazies that frequent your office :D
A balcony!! Hot shit in a paper bag!!! You will be rawking it. I love balconies!!!!
Hehe, I will be glad if it for that reason alone!!