It's fucking balls
On to the next one!
9/10 and a happy dance for beer 2, great news! But, could you drink enough of these in a row to get pissed? Sour might help but I'm not sure - will count the spelling mistakes and swears in the reply and find out how it's going down!
HA, I make millions of spelling mistakes at the best of times! It was sour but not too sour so I reckon you could neck three or four before moving onto something a bit more bitter. Unless it was summer, then you could drink a million of em!!
Bring on the summer! :OD
That's what I was thinking - only a summer beer could look so piss-like and be so fruity.
I don't know why the other months were invented!
I agree, which makes me wonder why the fuck I am living in a country which had the exact opposite!! Madness!!
I wondered that too until I said enough of this BS I'm out of here! (there) Madness indeed!
Thank you very much for the birthday beer funds, very kind of you sir!!
Hehe, is definitely a pleasure. After all when you hit forty you need something for the mild sting!! :0D
It passed without too much indecent - 30 burned like a bitch though. Cheers!
Wayhay! Yeah, 30 sucked ass. I have been quite happy myself since the 40 bomb!