So, I'm accidentally an Event Organizer? : The Things I Learned (Part 1)

in #life7 years ago

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

– Helen Keller"

I grew up with an introvert personality. I do not have that excellent interpersonal relationship skills. I can work alone and I'm okay with it. I love my own space! But when God called me to be like Josiah, Jeremiah, Nehemiah, I became an accidental leader. :)

AYNN Coverage (9).jpg
Caption: Faith is trusting God whatever happens! Shyness overcame. :) @OFCON 2016

Part of being one of the NCMC MAS AMiCUS Executive Committee is to organize events. In 2016, we were tasked to organize an officers' convention of campus missionaries (more or less 60 attendees). The event was a success. Praise GOD. I could still remember the ups and downs that we had during the process of preparing for the said event.

Convention Promotion Cover.jpg
Caption: Our Promotion Poster (Cover Photo Facebook). If you want to join this convention, please contact me.

Again, in 2018, we decided to take a leap of faith and organize a convention for all campus missionaries and alumni next week. It's awesome, exciting, yet challenging! Well, as an accidental (not formally trained) event organizer, here are some of the lessons that I learned while being on the field.

AYNN Coverage (10).jpg
Caption: The venue of the 2016 Officers' Convention at Bukidnon (Forest life!)

1. Develop Patience

Patience is a virtue. This adage has become a cliche. But it's really a virtue, right? As an event organizer, managing people and handling huge tasks with the deadline pressuring you, takes a lot of patience. What if something wrong happens? How will you handle it? As an event organizer, you have to be calm and be logical amidst the chaos. haha.

"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."

– Booker T. Washington

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Caption: We did brainstorming when we started building the officers' convention

ncmc execomm june 2015 (3).jpg
Caption: As you work, you will develop friendships that will last...

2. Choose your objectives

In order for you to have a guide, create objectives. Why do we have to organize this event? What is this for? What are our goals? Are you planning to entertain people? to educate people? or to express thanksgiving? Who will you work with? Are you going to organize a wedding? a birthday party? or a prom? When you have plotted your objectives, you will know where you are going to.

Execomm_cmu.july18.20 (5).jpg
Caption: This photo was taken during our meeting at Central Mindanao University.


Money matters in events, guys. As you take a look at your objectives, don't forget to consider the budget. We may have idealistic goals but we also have to deal with money. From the venue to the food, everything should be considered in making a budget proposal. Make sure to save some extra money for emergency cases. Also, learn to keep your receipts for auditing.

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Caption: On this day, we presented our Budget and Program Proposal to the Youth Director

4. Organize and keep your team alive

Organize, organize, organize. Yes, that's important! The team should be divided into committees with their corresponding tasks. As an event organizer, always supervise them. Encourage them and appreciate them for their achievements. If they are struggling, advise or listen to them. Make sure to be kind to them despite the pressure. Aside from working with them seriously, share some time to bond with them. You can build rapport!

sept 24 emergency meeting  (6) 2017.jpg
Caption: Eating together and just talking about anything under the sun is our fave activity

That's it for now. I'll share more of my lessons to you on my next posts. See ya!
God bless you event organizer!

oct 12 2014 (4).jpg

Excelsior forevermore!

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------------------------- # @abigailloveremo ------------------




Congrats! We've included this post in our daily compilation. :)

Good to see post like this in steemit. God bless

glory be to God

love this sis...i am glad that you are active in serving God..

This really caught me:

"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."

Amen! :) Thanks a lot. <3 @Junebride.

Just trust yourself ,you can do it,,and keep the faith :) congratulations

thank you @reginecruz. :) Blessings!