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RE: Whatever: If This Hardfork Fucks Me Over As A Content Producer...

in #life5 years ago

On thing I really like to do is reward everyone who writes a relevant or meaningful comment on my post with a 0.023 or so upvote. Right now that is around 20% vote for me. I'm worried the changes will make this a 45% vote for me. Whenever it gets above 30% I start getting really reluctant and guarded with my upvotes. It's not even about curation for those because they aren't posts.

We are definitely destroying this kind of SNS aspect to Steem.

But you do raise good points about being selfish, over-using bots and self-voting. I use bots a lot. I self-vote 1 time a day. I even have a few friends who I can rely on to vote for me and I do the same. I also like helping the little guys if I find sincere ones I see struggling. I'm more concerned about the combination of all these changes and forcing them all at the same time.

Actually, I don't mind switching to a curation-based system. I'm fairly active and devoted around here. I'll figure out how to enjoy the new stuff and get more curation. Actually, I probably waste 3 or 4 full votes a day just upvoting comments I like.


I've always enjoyed upvoting comments as well. To me it's like offering someone a free coffee for coming to my shop, plus the smaller voters didn't get much for curation reward. Recently, a top 20 witness named @thecryptodrive told me nobody would speak to me if I stopped voting for comments. So I didn't upvote comments here today, and more people spoke to me. It's actually quite common for people to upvote comments and hopefully this hardfork doesn't interfere with that behavior too much.

As for worries though, I think worry is just a fancy way we all trick ourselves into thinking we can predict the future. We can't predict the future though, so don't worry! I just hope it doesn't take another 2 years to address a few problems if there are problems.

There are really too much changes to predict. I would like to see SMTs out first. I like Steem Engine Tokens, but are we creating a rival Steem Inc.?
I figure it will harm tipping behavior which does add up. It will help stop those 'hello here is a picture of my shoe' posts amd other mild abusers. It will likely concerntrate power and delegation in curation bots. Actually who knows? I've monitored how much roi I can make across several types of behaviors. It takes atleaat an hour or two to write a post I am not ashamed of promoting. If that changes I'll quickly figure out something to do with my time.
Inflation is around 10%, Just delegating to bots is around 17%. Simply upvoting yourself (or trading) is around 22%. After we start getting into content creating and engagement up to around 25%+. Ive never tried only curating, but I imagine it is around 15% from accounts I've analysed. Maybe it will go up to 20% for the small guys and 25% for the big bots (and exclusive clubs or pools or persons that pretend they are individual actors)

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I just want a place to perform my little show, and a large audience. I don't need to worry about all that other ROI stuff.