This is one of the best posts I've seen so far on Steemit. Very generous of you to share your personal journey @zen-art. So many people struggle, and it is so much harder when people have no logical reason for being depressed, and yet they have this awful feeling in the pit of their stomach... People speaking openly and not being ashamed of their struggles, and telling other people that it is ok to feel like this, that it is not abnormal - lots of people go through it, is a huge help and a boost for people who have previously or are currently struggling..
This quote from your doctor is wonderful: "You were not yourself. You were trying to please others and doing stuff because you wanted them to approve, you were living life as you thought others expected you. Your life was fake and your mind and soul needed to reboot"
Too many people try to please parents, colleagues, friends, children, everyone but themselves... If you are not true to yourself, you are living in your own shadow...
Thanks so much for sharing @zen-art This experience has shaped you, and you come across as a very strong, independent open-minded woman.
Thank you for your input and kind words, I do think that living in your own shadow is not actually living. More people should speak openly about their difficulties and avoid stigmatization. There is nothing to be ashamed here actually, shame, in general, is never good. Thank you for your lovely comment 💚