On Fire #1: Masturbation for Power and Intelligence

in #life7 years ago


Ever wondered that you felt powerless and weak after you ejaculate?

Yesterday I woke up at 4:47 am in morning. I felt intense sexual tension.
So masturbate?
Hell no, I thought. Why?
Even days after I cam, I felt weak.

So I joined the No-Fap community and felt better and better (more energy, resilience just to name a few changes).
But it didnt feel quite right. It didn´t felt right to resist.

So I searched a way to release that sexual tension without having to come.
And I found a solution I could never think of...

I found an article on reddit where that guy speaks from his experience that he could have orgasm after orgasm without ejaculating. So first I couldn´t believe it. Then I downloaded a book he spoke of as "Life-Changing".
Its called Love Satisfies.

So I practiced the exercises in the book right after.
I felt golden. I felt truly satisfied like I wasn´t in my whole life. Clear headed. I had energy after sleeping 4,5 hours that night.

So now that I got your attention:

To have so called Dry Orgasms you have to do the following:

  1. Masturbate till you´re ~4 strokes from the Point of no return.
  2. Than relax. Feel the sexual sensation.
  3. Repeat. Practise makes perfect.

Yep. It´s that easy.

To set the right expectations:
Dry orgasms will feel at the beginning like 25% of the ususal orgasm. But how far it stands in the book
and the experiences I read of, it will be far far more pleasurable and become more and more powerful.

From my experience it felt healing for the whole body. I felt old tensions in my neck and whole body I didn´t knew I had, melting away like butter in the sun.

Note: I´m a beginner too, so I will update on further experiences I make and you can comment on how it goes for you.
Thank you for your time. It will be worth it.

Follow me for the next On Fire Post: Things everbody should know!