Drugs should they be legal or illegal?

in #life7 years ago

We all know the damage that drug trafficking causes to the places where it is present, however, can you imagine thinking of a solution for it ?, Here I will expose my perspective about the illegality of drugs.

In the last century in the United States a law called ''Dry Law´´ was approved, what did it do? can be summarized in the following, given the havoc that alcohol caused to people the government decided to prohibit it, that for the damage to the family, the vice created, etc.

The result of this law was the opposite, instead of ending the consumption of alcohol and help improve the American family, what was achieved was the birth of criminal gangs that were responsible for the production and distribution of liquors, this That you remember something?

Photo of Alcapone
al capone.jpg

In addition to the criminals bands also resulted in the liquor sold by them was generally adulterated, poor quality and very harmful to health, since it was a market that lacked controls and regulations, was illegal, in theory not there was ...

The example of what happened with the liquor is the perfect comparison with what happens with drugs today, in almost all the world marijuana is illegal, but nevertheless people can buy it for high prices and not only that, there is a wide range of synthetic drugs available to the population, many of which are very harmful and harmful.

Drugs are what in economics is known as a product of inelastic demand, said in a few words, the variation in its price does not affect much the demand, that is to say that an addict will continue to desire the drug whether it counts for 1 dollar or if it costs 10,000, the result is that these people are so eager to consume it that they resort to illegal mechanisms to obtain the money with which to acquire it (robberies, kidnappings, etc ...)

Inelastic Demand

A situation in which the demand for a product does not increase or decrease correspondingly with a fall or rise in its price.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/inelastic-demand.html

Yes, economy, she is behind all this, simple law of supply and demand ... When a product is outlawed its offer is reduced, but as we saw before, if the demand prevails despite the outlawing, it will result in the price being will increase and that high price is what causes the perfect ecosystem for organized crime to make atrocities to get control.

Photo of supply and demand

Supply and demand is an economic model of price determination in a market.

Countries like Holland and Uruguay have legalized marijuana, this measure did not increase the incidence of crime, nor that of consumers, it is strange, but for the human being that something is forbidden, it encourages wanting it and wanting to prove it.

Einstein said: The madness is in wanting to obtain a different result by always doing the same, this is the way the world has confronted drug trafficking, decades of war without advancing, attacking the result, but not the cause, we must reflect ...
