Fruit crabs are very different from crab usually, both in terms of taste and in terms of price.
Fruit crabs are very much in The interest of the community, fruitful crabs become a private business for people living in coastal areas, because crabs bear very expensive, the crab is sold to various regions, even to the entire continent.
Crab bears are very rare we can, because not all crabs bear fruit. the fruit crab has a soft shell (protective device), so the fruitful crab is very easy to sign.
Many fruit crabs are found in the area of the northern part of Aceh. as seen in this post, the crabs I can and I take in one of the community ponds in the north aceh (Lapang).
The price of this fruitful crab depends on the size of the crab itself. the size of 1 kilogram of crab reaches the current price of 2 steam.
Fruit Crabs, Fruit Chiken, Fruit Ducks,Fruit Leu Up, Fruit Langgoy and Fruit Langay it's so yummy and tasty...😂😂😂
Wow this is a crab I was looking for, very good for cooked with sauce soup. this would be the food was special. Thanks @abudar 👆👍👍👍👍
Egg crab @abudar 😀😀
Really like you say @abudar. many people who like to eat crabs, let alone fruitful chips many people who like.
Great post !!!
good times
Harga yang mahal pasti sesuai dengan kenikmatan yang kita dapat
Saat saya pulang ke kampung saya di Gandapura, mie kepiting adalah makan yang wajib saya cicipi
Bek kayak komen ngon bhs indon han lagoet inoe.
Haha meuah2 han lon teujet komen bahasa aceh entek di tegor
Man menyo menan neupegah lebeh senang lon jet pakek bahasa dro
would be very delicious when cooked with instant noodles. I myself often buy in ceuradih
nice post @abudar [email protected] likes crabs
Pretty crab eggs!
Pue kujak keunan man jinoe. Hawa teuh sang nyan :D
haha,, that bereh..
Serius nyoe... boh mu bieng bieng meu boh. leumak mumang teuh :D
it's a relatively cheap price for that delicious crab
Wow .... Very tasty, amazing. Our folks say, when we're eating crabs, we do not recall the father-in-law going by. "Hana ta thei ayahtuan teuh jak".
Have a nice day. And thank you.
Lagak that nyan abudar.
Indeed crabs are very different price especially crabs that have eggs would cost expensive mancapai Rp80-an per kg, fat crab is very good for health.
Pu haba @abudar beungoh pupoh teuhah keude droneuh
It was so delicious when we cooked with noodle