Long Night in Ho Chi Minh City

in #life7 years ago (edited)



The Vietnamese people are partying. Men and women scatter across the streets of Ho Chi Minh City celebrating their U-23 national team victory over Qatar 4-3. The streets were jammed. Until late at night they still around with a motorcycle while blowing trumpets, which sounds make deaf ears.


Just for information, Vietnam U-23 shock in the U-23 Asia Cup 2018 has not stopped. The Golden Stars managed to advance to the final after defeating Qatar through a penalty shootout on Tuesday (23/1).


Both teams drew 2-2 for 120 minutes. In the round of penalties, Vietnam won with a score of 4-3. Finally, Ho Chi Minh partying, and the night was so long.






Bek tuwo neu pakat lon beuh 😂Pajan na rencana jak lom keunan bang @acehpungo ?

Nyoe hana lon tuoh lom...dua malam teuk di sinoe, lusa ka lon woe u KL. Siap, ta agendakan lom beu paih, ta meudoa SBD beu meuhai lom

Sampai juga di kota yang masih senang berkutat dengan masa lalu. Have fun dengan sejarah!

Kotanya keren kk. Masyarakatnya ramah, kota rapi dan tertib. Saya merasa nyaman berada di sini hahaha


Bacut..ikut euphoria mereka saja haha

Bereh....bek tuwoe bajei obling vietnam saboh..hahaha

Padum droe nan nguyen yang kaleuh meurumpok bang? Na 10 dro??

mantap that pak, euforia piala asia di negeri org :D

Apa kau bilang.. Ka preh aku yaa.. ??

Apa kau bilang

Until late at night they still berkonvoi with a motorcycle while blowing trumpets, which sounds make deaf ears.

ma ma'na berkonvoi?

asyi kakalon na hi awak tanyoe inan @acehpungo