On bonding through music

in #life7 years ago


Music is an art form that easily makes us bond with the artists, but more importantly with the people around us. Our best relationships are probably made with our favourite bands with the songs that understand us, our partners, and us with our partners.

We cannot be aware of everything that happens in out sourroundings; It would just be too much. When we enter in a deeper level of consiousness and ask ourselves questions like: what is it that is really happening?, or perhaps; why is it that I’m coexisting with this specific person in this specific place?, or even; how did I get in to this mess?; we find that some of the reasons of why we bond (and not only do this but also act in some weird way in different sitiations) is because of something that is happening in our subconscious.


There is no other true, hard, ever lasting bonding but through art, more specifically through music. We can and we have created our best relationships through bonds, but what if all of them were made with music? The result would definitely be much stronger and better.

Different psychoanalysts (including me) are and have been really amazed by how bondings can be created and how important was the variable of using music.

Become a real person and make real relationships with the ones you want. Use music in you favor.