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RE: My happy day

in #life7 years ago (edited)

We will make Music Videos like this in Ghana
Aluna George is probobly going to join Steemit and rain down Steem on africans

my God, this is Beautiful, @tj4real is really getting everyone ion steemit its really happening, you are securing your country's future in the 21st century in a way that I don't believe most of steemit realizes yet... but I know you know... Steem $10 and then steem $100 and then steem $1000 will all be momentous occasions for all of us.... extremely life changing for me, but for me, when i get millions i have places to go spend them immediatly, there are Ferrari Dealerships here, but soon, you will have the first Ferrari dealership in Accra oh wait i should niotbe so quick to assume you do not have ferrari dealerships in ghana... haha I was just trying to make a point about how i can live with money in southern california and blend in to a bunch of other rich people....when YOU get wealthy yiu will stand out more, and you will need tio make sure you make a LOT of other people wealthy with you and you WILL

jaahhahaha massive wealth is CRAZY man but its FUN just be a BEAST and have private security! hahaha steemit army in africa oh man can you imagine if we end up taking over Africa with a Steemit Flag ? haha decentralized steemit government in Africa whoever has the Steempower has the real Power

oh My God that is the future I see a vision, it is where the people with money in africa are the people with crypto and they end up becoming the leaders and politicians

hhah look!

Look at the shopping cart lol is it for sale? hah you need to install shopping cart fence, so they dont scratch up the paint of these cars!!!

OH SHIT Ferrari 458 Spotted in Accra!!!

oooh is that just from the humidity like clouds ? or is that smog?? damn hope tyhats not smog LOL whatever we can fix that with ionizers and we can fix the smoek stacks etc etc

ahhh look! Porche dealership in Ghana!

Look this kid Ibrah has a ferrari in Accra!

And here is a car show in Acra

Ahh These wealthy white men look very safe and comfortable here! hah
Must be nice in Ghana! lol ;) :D hah

hahah just a joke but seriously i want to create more real life business between ghana and california!

I know there must be ghana community inside california and i know the US government LOVES to show off its African works, especially Ghana! we can take advantage of this SAFE african country to establish a BASE hahaha oh man here I go, thinking like a european colonialist!

haha but no seriously we want a BASE for steemit in Ghana!!!! I see that its very stable and READY for crypto currency revolution! people will NOT be able to ignore ut! and then we will also try and link up special export deals for ghana to california, there's probably all sorts of outsourcing we can do here to ghana, jobs i can find here which we can outsource to people in ghana who can do it for less and we can create jobs that way, we must use the human capital, use what ghana has a lot of, also there's got to be businesses we can link up in the real physical non internet world, between US and ghana, im sure there's already business deals between the two countries, lets see if theres any programs here in the US where there is lots of money for Africa, and see if I can apply for a GRANT from my Federal Government to get free money to then spend on a Project to help Ghana and we will just spend it on smartphones and steempower and stuff, it will probably easy for me to acquire things that you can apply for at the Embassy, like go see at the US embassy in Accra about that CLothing plant the Americans helped set up, see whose doing all that, see if we can convince the US ambassador in Ghana to start a steemit program!

yes these men seem like they must be doing great business :D I think Western people have a stigma about doing Any business with africa because it is een as "exploitation" but this is not true, americans should come and set up business deals, it is vital, africa has a need for more shipping container ships !!! they also need more hospital ships!!! we need more ships coming to wstt africa so the PRICES of shipping an GO DOWN! They are TOO HIGH! I heard Angloa isone of the most expensove cities on earth because of shipping and they dont have any fucking food themeslves they ship all food in so fucking hagen daz icecream which is $3 for me here is $45 for Angolans! $45 US for fucking icecream! a small one toO! its insane! Lets start shipping more stuff to Africa! they need more shipping container ships coming to Africa to trade! How will they get the money to buy stuff? STEEMIt and BITCOIN!