yes! Ive been waiiting for a hot trending post with this very subject matter to share this image I made to describe what your talking about here! I think this is the perfect place to post it! (Steemit post for the image if you would like to upvote itto help me out with my dream to hand out steemit flyers on the streetto 1000 people and give them all $1 bills to prove steemit is serious!)
Yes! More of posts like this but make even more simplified for beginners and explain in nontechnical terms why someone would want to never powerdown and use steempower to double what they already have and thus really nver need to power down! this is why I made the image, to promote this idea to more beginners who may not know how important their steempower can be yet! Thank you for your post @dana-edwards I followed you and upvoted al your recent posts because they were alll good! :)