this is the magic of crypto currency! WHo Knows if Extraterrestrial or interdimensional aliens are mining crypto with their super computers and then sending it to us through radio signals ! It would be very simple to access any free wifi on earth from space and focus a message in on it and signup for steemit and make posts and upvotes and uy steempower using bitcoins mined from some extra terrestrial super computer! They could be sending us free money that way and that money woul still be worth so much to us!
Crypto currency is forever like Youtube Videos of old film reels from the 1940s....thats how bitcoin will be
and eveniif bitcoin somehow isnt necisary they wlla lways be valuable! peoplee will want a Bitcoin for nostalgia! look how much people pay fpr old gameboys and old Digimon !
We should buy a 3D printer and sell printed BitCoins. We can add a private key somewhere in the design so that people can cash it out whenever they want. :D