hell yeah man @sdtraan u gotta se this and check this guy out man u need to make some simple youtbe videos like this but all about steemit jut point out how much everyones makin here now and how crypto currency is the future so no matter what u talk about if u have excitement for crypto or just talk about the days news but just doa recap of everyday on stemit and make sure the youtube video has a steemit logo in bbackgroudnso whenppeopel see the video on a steempost theyll SEE the steeit logo as the first image as the prview or thumbnail image! that way we will get everyone clicking our youtube videos here on steemit because theyll know its a steemit related Youtbe video and the more of those the more users we will have the more steemit will grow and gain investors and price of steem can really grow to $10 by end of summer just like i said and $100 to $1000 before the en of the year! look ethereums already goen from 41 to $400 in just half a year so by end of the year i predict ethereum will be way past $1000 bitcoin will be way past $4000 an steem will be past $10 and be between $10 and $100 an by NEXT year and 2019 to 2020 we can expect million dollar bitcoin and $400 to $800 steem! (see it sounds more realistic than $1000 steem but that will come too and make ayone with 1000 SP a milionair! and rithly so! if ur a minow u should NOT be taking ANy money out of ur wallet! save it ALl u cant fffford NOT to unless u like being poor! Wofl of wallstreet mindset just DO IT just DO IT
hha u dont have to be ruthless to succeed or ste onother!
its A WAY to get ahead SURE its a PRVEn strategu to step on those beneath you and screw over others just to get ahead but its the worst way to get large gains and noone dooing that will succeed for cery log nless they are ina small minority or pychpath sociopaths who actually thrive on it
if ur a human being with compassion u relax and know that u DONT HAVE to hurt others to get ahead
ITS NOT a zero sum gane! The universe has entropy sure but t heres pleny of natural and human resources on this fuckinplanet to get ALOT of shit done today we just couldnt do in the past!
And i mean that! now adays you canmake whatevr u want designit with 3d rapid prototyping and get a product made and on the shelllves of amazon all in minutes!
u can 3d print anythng u can automate more and more even automate managing companies! lets make sure everyone knows that art and creativty is t he best because u can actually create an do digital art onyour compuer now and it doesnt cot any space or materials, an when u make some really cool art u can bring it out into real life have it 3d printed or have a mold made but we should all show kids how sftware is FREE and making really cool art is something uc an do with No Overhead an we huld setup creatve arts centers in every big city where kid cancome rap and get volunteer producre sto produce songs and tracks for em and a placethey can upload youtube vidos too
we should have centersllike that in develloping countriesinafrica too becaue youtube is th BEST way for people to get ahead inentertainment and if u have talent and canamke teh next biig pop song why not do that wen the future is all going to be Youtube and social media and steemit will be a way people canmonetize that creative work whenyoutube does not let them! like a remix or something that is copyrghted but u worked days on now u canmonetize on steemit! if u just upload ur own videos here it works as good as uploading ur own photos!
and soon we will have steemQ.com video platform to share videos on blocckchain i duno how it will work and where all the video data comes from but i cant wait!