BRO I KNEW I registered this extra account for a reason! I have @steemitescrow and i thought since noone wants to trust me yet I should just give this to someone who could use it who DOES have some reputation enough for escrow because escrow is a serious business i just wanted to register it so noone bad does maybe? yeah wel i just thought it was a good idea i bet you could use it!
lemme know if you would like @steemitescrow I can arrange to transfer themaster password to you and allow you to reset it etc, im sure theres a whole protocal for that we can create too! anwyay lemme knwo if ur interested [email protected] or text me 619 302 0398 and i wanteed a place I can collect all my customer ratinsg like from my old ebay account and then people i ddeal with in real life who trust me with money etc people ive taght how to use bitcoin i want all my ratings to show up somewhere consolidated maaybe we can work on a stemit rating system