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RE: I Am Strangling Myself to Death

in #life4 years ago

I don't think trending is a good way to gauge people's interest. It's just a few accounts that dictate most of the visibility, and the dead bots that follow. We have some advantages at the frontend though, the fact that no AI computes who gets more visible than the rest. I wrote about how instagram factors in follower count, content views, likes, and etc within seconds to minutes of posting before shoving it at the back of the file if it doesn't meet the virality threshold. It's a different playing field here, a bit unsophisticated but I'll take it than some AI dictating how I can be visible without knowing it.

I tried to maximize my time with commenting and then trying to put some effort into the people I do follow or follow me, and curating random strangers off communities. Building real relations and not thinking of people as some fans. It's hard to balance irl matters, I'm even swamped with work and just trying to catch up with the people that gave me replies. Hive has been my social media and thought of the token value second.

I need this place as an outlet, gives me some push trying to pursue art as a hobby or get my writing exercised. Work just removes my creativity and all. I do get fed up with price talks, content dumpers that are really just blatantly out to milk em votes, feels like they just undermine the ones that are putting in the work trying to keep user retention.

There's something wrong with a person that calls themselves a content creator here if they're not bothered with their posts not receiving comments, or getting a growing network, or having stale content. I could understand improving over the course of the blogging series but if its been 3-4 years of the same scribble content and skill level, I'm just going to pass these creators as the meh. They'll go away once the money is gone dry.