This past week I lost a very important woman in my life. I regret to say that life kept me from fully appreciating it until now. My grandmother passed away, thus ending an era I've missed. And I think there is a lesson for the world through it.
Grandma Helen in blue at the front of the younger generations
As I grew up we had a weekly tradition of getting together at Grandma's house every Sunday afternoon. We'd typically have some sort of lunch, even it if was just cold cut sandwiches, followed by an afternoon of family fun activities ranging from playing cards to watching football on TV.
It was during these Sunday afternoons I learned much about life and the importance of "family" and "community". It was during these Sunday afternoons my elders shared little bits of wisdom about what's important in life, through normal conversation. Whether it be a passing comment about some news event, the way a sports figure reacted on TV, or bits of gossip about local folk.
I learned table manners, proper etiquette, how to respect others, what to expect from others, and how to be loved.
I'm sad that these weekly family gatherings stopped as I grew into my 20's and much of the older generation started to pass away. It was up to me, and my generation, to continue the tradition...and I failed. And through that failure, I see new generations lacking common traits I was taught during these simple family gatherings.
As I witness via media and news the ugliness unfolding around the world, filled with violence, anger, and argument, I wonder if letting a "busy life" cause it all by draining these weekly events. I wonder if my grandmother, who insisted we get together each week, knew what the world truly needed.
Have we become too obsessed with gifts, un-social media, consumerism, and self-obsession to remember what "family values" really mean?
My grandmother is missed as I ponder how a lack of family gatherings is hurting the world, and me and my generations part in letting that happen.
I'm sorry for your loss, Adam. Sounds like she was an amazing patriarch.
I do think regular generational gatherings like that are important. I also think cultures and societies are constantly shifting and changing as different generations begin to value things differently due to different contexts and circumstances. What causes a loss from one perspective is a gain in another (example: shifting away from dogma towards more open-minded, evidence-backed logic, reason, and skepticism has been hugely beneficial to my life, but previous generations may feel very differently).
I think we all have a lot to learn from each other, both old and new.
I hope you develop new routines which work for you and your family in new and beautiful ways.
Thank you Luke. Your wisdom is always greatly appreciated, my friend.