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RE: Enjoying Watermelon On Acid: Thinking About Taking That Long Walk

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Artists get the same rap everywhere. Once you succeed, other artists who don't have the dedication and perseverance assume it all came easy and that you owe them something for having worked 10x harder than them for 10x longer. Sometimes artists ask me for advice, and when I tell them they have to work hard and for a long time, they act like "Oh so you're being a dick, if you don;t want to give me the magic mega art sales gallery guys phone number, just say so" And eating watermelon on acid sounds amazing


It seems to be the same everywhere. That career I mentioned involved me starting at the bottom at a young age, being denied promotions several times before being promoted, grinding. Then you get to the top and people just assume it was a stroke of luck that got you there.

Luck? Naw, it was the acid in the watermelon lolol