Nice post.
I also post lovely poems daliy @adenijiadeshina. You can please try chNice post.
I also post lovely poems daliy @adenijiadeshina. You can please try checking out those lovely poems at @adenijiadeshina and i hope you love them. Thank you for your supportecking out those lovely poems at @adenijiadeshina and i hope you love them. Thank you for your support
I had a look at your blog. You are a serial spammer hence the flag
Why do you say that and hw
You are spamming hundreds of people with your comment. That kind of thing is frowned upon
I never knew because I am just new in this platform. You should have just please explain to me before flagging my post
Your rep shows that you have been flagged before so it's obviously not new to you. You knew fine well that you were spamming. Stop being as whiny spammer.
I never that type of message was a spam. Can you explain that spam to me please
You said,
nice post
Come check out my stuff
Come check out my stuff
Come check out my stuff
That's someone else's post not your advertising board. If you want to comment on their post feel free but don't go into other people's posts and advertise your own blog. It's rude as fuck
Why am I even explaining this, you must know!?!