in #life8 years ago (edited)

Honesty isn’t an easy task. Everyone wants honest answers, opinions, comments, friends etc. In practice it does not always work so straight, as it should.

People say that the true friends you can meet when you are poor. In some way it is true. But I would like to add something from myself. I think that the true friends you can recognize not only when you are poor, but also when you are successful. They are always with you. It does not matter what are you doing and where are you at the moment, true friends always follow you. They are there to say ‘I believe in you’.

Nowadays it happens that there is more people who can cry with you, than these ones, who can celebrate with you your success. It does not matter what kind of success it is. A word “success” is very relative. For some people ‘success’ means to have a good job, for others, to earn a lot of money, to climb Kilimanjaro, to lose some weight, to win lottery, to find love, to have a baby etc.

Some people like to hear from you, when you have a lot of problems. They feel better, because it is a kind of excuse for them. ‘I have it bad, but she too”. People like to compare. If their life is not what they wished, they look for somebody with the same problems or worser just to comfort themselves.

Did you ever experience such a feeling? Did you ever had a friend, who was always with you, when your life went wrong but never when you had something good to say? People can be really jealous if it comes to success. They can even stop meeting you, in order to not feel worser than you. For this they of course blame you, trying to convince you that it is you who changed, not them.

It is not easy to be honest. It has also something to do with culture and the way of raising. Culture and propriety has a huge impact on being honest. I remember many situations from school, when being honest gave a bad result. I remember that if you said honestly that you don’t like the dress of your colleagues, you could get the warning. The same if you felt asleep during some boring lesson, you were also punished with warning. It looks like everything you honestly did, was treated in the way, to show you that it is not good to be honest.

As an adult, you could understand more from that. You realized that honesty may hurt someone. That is why sometimes people are quiet, instead of saying something. But you still don’t understand why? You still think that this is better to be honestly hurt than falsely praised. People make so much trouble with it, instead of being just clear and honest.

I remember the couple of time, when I remained silent instead of saying something what I honestly thought. Very quickly I was regretting it. My experience showed me that being honest is just much better. It does not matter if somebody will be hurt because of that. You should not applause for something you don’t like. World would be much easier if everyone were honest.


Nice writeup
Good job
Keep it up.@adeninka

Thank You! Nice to hear that!:)