Spider many feathers on the legs that live in the trees
Hello, all on this beautiful day...
In this post shows a long-legged feather spider and a thin body shape, on the body colour of this spider looks unique differs from some species of spider. which I get a picture of living in the nature of Aceh.
Many types of spiders are living in nature
All kinds of insects or animals are many differences from the shape and colour of its body, although of the same type. but still. there are differences, like this spider that has a unique colour shape and different from the spider that already exists in my post before.
Spiders look unique in life in nature
The spider is able to make a nest with the threads it has in its body, although a small spider can produce a unique nest and cannot be done by other insects let alone by humans. its an example is like this little spider, on makes a complicated nest at night to sleep.
This blog is about the life of insects in nature
Thank you to all who like my activities for seeing the life of all kinds of insects in nature. and also all kinds of large and small animals that live in the nature of Aceh.
we often find spiders in the woods and on the roof of our own homes, the uniqueness of these animals can walk the walls and make a net wherever they dieda, use the net in addition to catching the spider food to steal his egg in the net@ades
Nice spider👍
Waw keren mas..
Upvote balik ya mas
Thank you very much for sharing it among us
Very beautiful photography of nature. I like it.
Excellent Camera shoots @ades.
Very good photo capture @ades
Nice spider bang@ades
Good Spider haha
Thanks... all.. ...y
saya mampir kesini untuk berteman dengan anda
saya juga aceh,dan mari saling membantu sesama aceh
itu paswot siapa , kok di kirim ke komentar
@bangsadies hati hati dalam mengcopy paste kalimat, jangan sampai pass ter copas juga seharus nya pass sangat di jga,, wkwkwk
ada kesalahan saat copy paste coment...
mohon pengertiannyan mohon kepada rakan yang telah menggantikan password @bangsadies untuk mengembalikannya...karena kita sesama aceh.
ada apa dengan akun dia @nurzhri