The gorgeous Chrysocoris Stollii bug always plays in the grasslands of Aceh
...Hello my best friend, how are you today...?
On this occasion, I show the Chrysocoris Stollii bug that looks interesting playing in the foliage every day. the shape and colour of this bug look colourful and I think this type is not less beautiful with other types of insects, I am interested in taking some pictures of it's on this day in the nature of Aceh.
Life in nature is very beautiful and all kinds of creatures
In the grass many lives have stories and legends in all life, it has a unique lifeline and has a life partner or friends and family alike live a happy and beautiful life and also many obstacles. from the foundation of life all need a struggle in every day to survive before death, then all now we enjoy life with beauty and with a smile on an everyday.
Life on the grass is so beautiful
Nature promises a very supportive place for all life especially for human beings and all kinds of other living things every day, now a discussion about the life of insects in the grass. the insect is also like us and also has a journey of life in nature, though our lives differ with other creatures because we and the same insects live on earth and at the same time. the difference insect it can fly we can on foot, that's what makes me dizzy why not have wings like birds or beetles to be able to fly. lol..
This blog is about life in nature of Aceh
Thank you very much for all friends support for this, for me to look all kinds of insects that live in the nature of Aceh.
Really nice photography! I've never seen a bug like that around here, wonderful colors.
The habit of the smaller the insect shape the more beautiful the colour that lives around my stay, thanks for choosing my posts. friend
I too love nature like you. Thanks for nature related photography.
Very Long post you I really like to see how you can find the image
Upvote @alexchander @ades
this animals is looking so very nice..very nice photography dear @ades
Upvote 👍🏻
Memang droneu hayeu bak neucok poto bg @ades
this is the very nice photography...i like this very much.
Also looking nice this Chrysocoris
This is a beautiful bug. I love all of the "metallic" looking bugs, shot you a follow!
~ Kevin
The object of the same insects today. But your picture is better. Cek my post here
Wow that's a great nature one .Thank for sharing ..
excellent photography your
mntap that photo rakan.
@ades he color of the beetle is very rare ordinary beetle with black and red shades
What a beautiful little bug!—and yes, so lovely in the green grass!... thanks for these beautiful photos!
Thanks for friends who have liked my post, respect me for all of you....