Inilah suasana di tempat kami malam ini, masih dengan tema demam dengan piala dunia. Para pecinta sepak bola pasti sudah tau semua malam ini akan ada jadwal bergadang yaitu semifinal piala dunia 2018 antara belhia vs prancis. Yang saya mau bahas bukanlah masalah bolanya, melainkan tentang penonton yang rela menunggu berjam jam demi untuk menonton bola.
This is the atmosphere in our place tonight, still with the theme of the world cup fever.
The football lovers must have known all night there will be a schedule to stay that is the 2018 World Cup semifinal between belgium vs france. What I want to discuss is not the issue of the ball, but about the spectators who are willing to wait for hours to watch the ball.
Bermacam macam kegiatan yang mereka lakukan, mengingat jadwal bola yang masih lama. Ada yang main game, nonton film, dan bermacam macam hiburan lainnya supaya tidak bosan menunggu. Itulah kalau sudah hobi, kita rela mengorbankan waktu tidur hanya untuk menonton bola.
Various kinds of activities they do, given the ball schedule is still a long time. Some are playing games, watching movies, and other kinds of entertainment so as not to get bored waiting. That's when it's a hobby, we are willing to sacrifice bedtime just to watch the ball.
Terima kasih telah mengunjungi blog saya @adien705
Very nice post, upvoting complimentary of @Vladivostok Discord Keep coming back! I like to hear the story about you willing to sacrifice
to watch the ball move!