Good morning my friends on Steemit.
Me ,like other parents, very worried about my son.
Just for a note, My sone is very active child, Smiling, Laughting and doing a mess all around the house.
Now my child is barely get up from his bed. He dont want to eat, Dont want to drink NOTHING.
I took him to the doctor and he sent us to make a blood test.
The results are that my son have Pneumonia.
He's drinking an Augmantine AntiBiotics and he looks like a mummy :(.
My lovely son, I miss your smile! I miss the mess you made.
Please god, make him heal from this crap soon.
I even not upload a photo with this post.
Hope your day is better than mine my friends.
Best wishes
Praying for your son's fast recovery.. AMEN.
Thank you very much.
How is your son's condition now ? Is He Ok now A little bit ? My mother is also very sick, I hope that your son will soon be cured And Please pray for my mother Also Sir.....
I pray for your son, I'm sure he will recover,
I believe, your child will be fine, he will come back, do not grieve friends,
hopefully his son quickly recovered, amen
The desire of a father remains the best for children, hopefully your child @ adjs20 quickly healed and can again gather laughter with you again.
Hopefully your son will recover quickly and he is always blessed
yes hopefully your child is given a quick recovery
who patiently faced this ordeal
a patient friend. every trial there must be a wisdom. my friend's patience
I am sorry for the disaster that hit your son, hopefully your son quickly healed and can run and smile back as before,
get well soon sonny, your father miss you,
May your child be healed quickly by the great healer of, my friends ... Amieen
I will resteem this post so that my friends know it and can give a prayer for your beloved child 😐😐
Hopefully your child soon heal his friend .. can make his parents happy ..
a child of our pride as parents but when he is sick we start confused and anxious this is a test for us but it is important we do not get discouraged in an attempt to seek healing for him, because he must be very homesick with hugging, joking, playing and holiday with his parents. keep the spirit @ adjs20 I pray for your child to recover quickly.
be patient friend,
seeing a smiling child is a happiness for parents .. i really hope my sister son adi quickly recover and smile back, Thank you
"semoga tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.. amin"
sorry i cant translate to english.
Very Good...
No one wants him to get sick, but the disease comes indiscriminately. I'm sorry to hear your child stricken with the disease, hopefully soon heal quickly and can move as usual.
Morning so my friend
Good luck my friend l like you
Sir , I sent you 6 SBD with 4 installment but give me only 11+$ ? Sir is this OK for me ? You give me back 4 SBD .... 2 SBD is loss for me..... This is right Sir ?
I did not expect such from you ... I thought you were different from others, sir...... A member @safrijals , he sent you 1 sbd and you sent him 13+$ but you give me 11+$ for 6 sbd ??? I'm crying now...😭
Get well soon. I feel sad about this. Because I also have a 2-year-old child. He's so stubborn I'm afraid something bad happens with him
@ adjs20 to @ amrizal01 has not been voted
hopefully your child will recover quickly and always routinely consume drugs as recommended by doctor by. @safriana98
She'sll healthy soon. Believe it
I sent 3 posts but only in the vote only 2 postregards...@adjs20
Good morning also mr @adjs20 Steemit.
I am not married but can feel what you are worried about and feel, surely you are very sad and fragile as a parent now, seeing other people sick children we can join sad especially this is our own flesh blood. I can only join in praying that your child @Sone may recover quickly from pneumonia (aaamiiinnn) and he can soon become a very active child, smiling, and laughing loudly in the middle of your happy family (aaamiiinnn). And most importantly do not forget to pray for the healing of your child to the god because the prayer of the parents is the most effective medicine for the child. Never stop praying, leave it all to God. Because God has
Morning sir... How are you sir? Regard @atjehsteemit
keep the spirit of my good friend and continue to be grateful yeah the creator give the best for us allI am sorry for your sadness my good friend. and here I can only pray for your favorite baby quickly healed and can move as usual. and also my best friend @adjs20 can replace the present sadness with great happiness with your family.
Mr. Adi my post tomorrow payout. Please confirm.
And my friend postigan @flowerquen
Please help upvote my blog
I have sent you 0.500 sbd in a week ago,and i don't recevie your upvote yet.
hopefully heal your child, and do not forget to upvote for 2 post still not .. please upvote just you want from my post...
be patient friend😊
Mr. I have sent you 1.5 sbd in a week ago. But until now, you not yet upvote me.
I hope your child may cempat heal and give long life amen.
I hope your child may cempat heal and give long life amen