Aloe vera, "sábila", as we call them in my country, are tough people. They endure extremes with incredible "entereza".
In my region, the Venezuelan east, they are wild (I have 14 of these plants and they are exuberant, because I irrigate them and give them other cuddles). They can withstand the hot sun almost without water and remain very green. On the other hand, the cold can make them suffer a little.
I see your aloe survives like a champion!
I leave you the photograph of one of my "sábila" posing next to Rita (she loves them too).Hello, @vermillionfox.
Wow! 14!? I envy you and I wish I could plant mine outdoors. My mother’s Aloe Vera is as large as the one you’ve got pictured. Aww your Rita looks adorable snuggled next to it! <3