This is a little embarrassing to admit but I lost all interest in sex and at such a young age.
When I was a younger the testosterone was pumping through my veins and sex was all I could think about.
Well, food was right up there but oh my gosh I would get so excited seeing someones behind.
Sorry if this is too graphic. But this is how I feel now:
What is wrong with me?
Remembering back I think it started after my best friend took me to the clinic for some shots.
I remember going in and then the doctor giving me a shot and I passed out.
When I woke up I was really sore like I was hit between the legs.
It took awhile to recover but since then I lost all interest in sex. I also pee like a girl now.
Could it have been the shot? Is there anyone that has gone through something like this?
Is there something I should do? Is sex all that important any way?
Oh be sure to see my introduction and our first meetup.
If you follow me I will follow you back and be a good boy.
Source: main pic from, gifs from
Yes, sex is important. Your hormones are all out of whack. What is your diet and exercise routine?
Lol. Check the username. I assume it consists of Scooby snacks and Pal.
Oh I do love treats. :p
I eat lots of vegetables and my food is the top of the line. I do get a lot of exercise. I run all the time.
Ummmm....that's a REALLY weird story. Who goes to the doctor with their best friend and gets shots? What in the world were the shots for? If you were a child, where were your parents? If this story is actually what happened, has it never occurred to you that you might have been victimized in some way? Was that shot intended to knock you out? Why the suspicious pain in your groin afterward? Did you not consult the doctor about this after it occurred? I'm just saying...the whole thing is a bit of a tale. If this is your idea of game, we are not amused. If it really did happen, you might need to do a little digging into your past....
Shoot. You got me. I just read your intro post. Very funny! I could very well just delete my above comment, but I think I'll leave it...even at my own expense. Clever. Voted up. Following.
Thanks for being a good sport :) I like making people happy.
I know, I debated if I should even say anything. Well I love my best friend and he takes me lots of places because I can't drive. Well I was adopted but I do see my dad and I'll have to tell that story later because it was incredible. Oh my gosh!! Victimized!!! Wow! Maybe? But I assure you it is all true. Yes, I will do some digging. I love digging.
Haha, great title! :) Best regards to your dog. Jonas
Are you taking antidepressants?
They are know to nullify sex-drive.
No, my best friend tried to give me Tramadol for the pain but I just spit it out. I hate taking any pills.
I just did a post about this exact same scenario with a little twist. It is most likely a combination of diet and exercise which is most likely lacking and then you could be over stressed completely. I find that working out and specifically playing basketball just makes me a complete animal in bed.
Thanks for the tips. I will check out your post. Well I love playing ball so maybe if I played more? Thanks again.
Hormones/age/current mental "health" or outlook... it happens. It happens more with age. :-(
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. The cat is happier though. :p
Well played sir. Just smelled what you're stepping in there. I'm not normally that slow, been a busy day lol
@adogslife, I just featured this story in a post: Take a look!
Oh thank you @littlescribe. I just now saw your post.
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There could be a lot of reasons for this. I think you should go and see your doctor to have a full health and hormone screen to see if there is a central cause.
Are you suffering from depression or mental health problems? Both the conditions themselves and the medications can cause all sorts of sexual problems including loss of libido. Again this is something to discuss with your physician.
Oh man, I hate the doctors. I just had all my shots this last time I was there and I was thinking it could have been one of those to begin with. I do tend to sleep a lot I guess. What else I'm I supposed to do all day?
Life gets busy, the need for sex firstly is cyclic both during different times of the month and according to age.
There are five reasons for sex ...
exercise . . .
obviously power covers money = rewards...
With financial stress, busy lifestyles, medications, altered poisoned foods, work hours, competitions on your time instead of sleep ; why would you try and find time for sex anyways . . .