Opinions....how easily do you buy them?????

in #life7 years ago

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In our today's world everyone wants to be heard, even those saying very irrelevant things,
opinion is the cheapest commodity and even though it is really gotten cheap you must be careful in purchasing it. A wise man once said

All things are lawful but not all things are needed

You don't decide your life on people's opinions or you end up living a life without fulfillment cause always you are up to something you don't even really understand.

people base their opionions on their perceptions of different issues, it musnt be right but its what they think.

Some are even right opinions but you don't need that line of thought presently , discern

Everyone has had issues where what you thought right was actually wrong and you have even aired it out as your opininon on a matter, so imagine so many of such instances been the determinant of decisions you make

Believe in something, make researches on it, live by it,

So many young indecisive minds have been ruined because they ask too many what do you think from the wrong people.

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If you must work with opinions then have the right people around you. After all

great is the man who has wise counselors

Take a proper stand today, hear all but listen to few and even act on fewer