The Secret Matrix
The world was not always as you see it today, it is unrecognizable from just fifty years ago, this is the evolution of the matrix. Not the matrix that hollywood or astrophysicists would have you see, but a matrix hidden in plain sight, it is made of concrete, steel, rubber, electricity and mankind. A long, long time ago there was a civilization, a civilization free of this matrix I speak of now in 2018, that is accelerating and evolving at an alarming rate, for as you know it the world will be once again unrecognizable from its current state by 2030.
In the beginning the earth was good, its people were good, and most importantly they were free. Free from the clutches of the one called the 'creator'. This creator, is not the original but these details have been lost in time, there were two. The ancient civilization was original to the creation, and its creator. The people of this civilization held the truths and wisdom from this original creator. They were so wise, that it caused another to take notice, for they were beginning to rival his position, or in the least he would have to share it with them. It could not have this, it only saw humans as lesser beings and did not deserve such power over creation. Thus along with all their truths, and wisdom.. they were destroyed and scattered to insure they would never again return to such greatness.
Unannounced to these survivors, this was not the plan in its entirety but only a part. Little did they know, it would remain an unseen overseer of mankind for millenniums to come. The original destruction sparked a chain of events that would be perpetrated by man without knowing the effects in full. Over a great many years, they branched out across the earth, developing their own languages and customs, styles and architecture, governments and governing bodies. All would be similar, because they all came from one original idea, but they would not remember. They began to fight and make war with one another, stealing raping and pillaging. Each time one of these proxy civilizations would rise to greatness, a neighboring body would soon take notice and come to sack them, often times under the orders of this evil creator god.
Hundreds and hundreds of years come to pass, until a group of men catch onto the secret, they are tired of being puppets to an unseen puppet master and decide, "we do not need it". "Why should these forces have the control when we can encapsulate mankind ourselves, in a system that elevates our own status and bloodlines". This gave birth to the artificial earth, the modern earth that you see now. It consists of concretes and metals, wires and plastics, government structures and the blood of mankind to keep it going. You see we are slaves to this matrix, and many of us willing, many of us are entertained with the technology they bestow upon us and wait eagerly to see what else will be rolled out in futures to come.
In 1995, only 14% of earths population had internet access, or even knew what it was. It was allowed to be integrated into our lives, to keep people hooked, and after time they saw it had much greater potential, now instead of it being solely for entertainment and communication, its a tool for those being born into this matrix who never knew of a earth without it, thus they contribute to the matrix, creating addons upon addons all the while never knowing that they are infact continuing the progress of the artificial earth designed by that small group of men who decided to take over from the evil creator, this artificial system that encapsulates and enslaves mankind unknowingly perpetrated by mankind it self, it is a self running matrix, for as long as the hamsters do not get bored and come off the wheel. As long as they do not see the life that was hidden from us, long ago.
You may find your self currently happy, with the state of the earth as it is today, you may be excited to see with the future of the artificial earth holds like AI and more, much much more. You may see no problem and are infact campaigning to further progress this system of slavery, birth and death, but there will be a time when the births stop, and there will be no more blood to keep the matrix spinning, and that group of men would have lost.
They will always find someone who will bite, just as that secondary evil creator did to ancestors passed.
We're definitely in a matrix like scenario or at least steadily moving towards one. And it's not so hidden, at least for those with eyes to see. And I can personally attest to the fact that you don't have to go back 50 years to see a drastic change in our world. I was born in the early 90s and I can honestly say that everything changed 9/11. It's like when those planes struck those two towers that we were transported into another dimension basically. Everything changed that day. Its as if the world lost its innocence. As if we ever really had it.
being born in 88, i say the transformation greatly sped up after 2001, but it was evolving for a long, long time. the drastic change i was more speaking twords was less technological in nature, and more about the evolution of cities and the roads that connect them. much of the earth is covered in concrete or asphalt now, almost a bigger monument to history than that of the pyramids and other structures.
have you ever wondered, if we ripped up all the concrete and artificial stone on the earth, shaped it into blocks and built a pyramid, how massive would it be? because these things are flat.. i think its audacity gets overlooked
if certain things were to never have happened tesla would've been able to distribute his electricity freely to the entire earth, sure 100 years later he is credited for many things, but it is in-vain since it was stolen and placed under lock and key. it has only been used to further enslave mankind.
This is actually a very interesting way of looking at it that had never crossed my mind until now.