"Speak to your children as if they are the wisest,
kindest, most beautiful humans on earth, for what
they believe is what they will become." I love this. I
usually don't get too sentimental with my captions but
I feel so strongly about how Pippo & I talk to the boy. I
believe how you talk to your kids is how they end up
seeing themselves & it's my ultimate mission to make
these boy kind little gentlemen. 🎩
My nickname is "Mommy" but my full name is "Mama!
Mommy!! Maammaa! MOMMMYYYY!"
Yes, that's very important how we communicate with out kids, thank you for sharing.
I wish you happiness
I think you got one of the secret formulas to being a great parent! :)
That Im a foodie ? :D :P
hehehe that too ;)
But I meant, the care and attention you give to how you speak to little Ragnar :)
I try my best. Not always easy but I do what I can as most of us I guess :)
That's all that anyone can ever expect :)