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RE: A Tough Challenge Very Difficult to Handle : I might not Graduate this March

in #life7 years ago

I feel you sir. I did experience that kind of situation way back when I was studying. It was second semester (5th year) month of november. I was not able to take prelims examination because of financial problem. When I was not able to take the exam I decided not to attend my classes because I was ashamed that I was not able to take the exam because I could not afford to pay the examination fee. But I did not gave up, my mentality right that very moment is "I know the money will come". But I do not know if when and from whom. To make the story short the money arrived but I could not recall now if from whom because it was happened way back in the year of 2003.

The lessons I learned?

Never give up, do not succumb to the stress it brings, do your thing, study, pray, believe in Him.

Have you heard the the song "God will Make a Way" by Don Moen? In it is the phrase "God will make a way when there seems to be no way"

Hold on tight. I'll pray for you after I post this comment and before I go to sleep.