
Dunno who told you that, but it's not true. Think of it this way. What options do you have to influence monetary policy at this point? You didn't elect Yellen, she doesn't have to answer to any of us, or our elected officials, and she's not accountable. The people rich enough to horde tons of gold are already insanely rich anyway, so no difference there.

But going with at least SOME gold backing would be like injecting some reality and honesty into the system. You can't print your way out of a problem at the expense of the purchasing power of the 99%. And you can't hurt retirees and savers (the people who least deserve to be subjected to these "public wealth extraction" schemes) with near zero interest rates. More accurately, you wouldn't be able engage in this kind of thinly-veiled criminal activity (at least immoral if not illegal, since they buy whatever legislation they want) without at least some expectation of consequences.

For everyone against the gold standard, don't you guys understand that it's one of the few ways we have to place some kind of restriction on them? Because as of now, they are bending us over and financially pillaging our asses with impunity. And why not? WE CAN'T DO SHIT ABOUT IT. They have all the control, and yet you guys are okay to let them keep imposing this fiat system based on "trust".

And for what? Bullshit abstractions like ".. the flexibility is essential in our current day economic model," from our knowledgeable and non-talking-out-of-their-ass-author here? Really calaber24p?? That's what's essential? So how's that flexibility working out now? Cuz we're almost a DECADE IN WITH EMERGENCY MONETARY POLICY AND WE STILL CAN'T RAISE RATES A GODDAMNED QUARTER OF ONE PERCENT, SO PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ALL OF US, HOW ESSENTIAL WAS THIS "FLEXIBILITY" IN GUTTING AND SELLING OUT OUR COUNTRY TO THE BANKERS?

I hope t God that you understand fully that you're bullshitting everyone and don't actually understand economics, because if this is at all representative of the "more knowledgeable than average" segment of the US population, then I say fuck it. Bankers have already won and we, as a country, basically deserve what's coming to us.

Maybe try talking to your people that living further inland. Most of America is just done, as in given up. I think that despair and lack of opportunity is a more realistic explanation than "they just don't want to work" when considering that 94,184,000 Americans are not even in the workforce. C'mon guys, that's almost half the working-age population. Shit's getting serious for the country even if it's not noticeable in your own neighborhood yet. Please take the time to study up and really try to understand as much as possible about our current situation, or at least be more discerning of the material you decide to publish. It's hard enough for struggling Americans to stay informed even when the right information is out there.

Rich enough to own an army.