Why Self-Care Is So Important

in #life8 years ago

 Self-care is something that we all can admit to neglecting sometimes, whether it be from stress from school, stress from life, or just flat out forgetting. But overall, self-care is SO important.

Self-care itself can take many forms. From just relaxing and doing something that you love, or participating in a fun hobby, to taking the time to relax and pulling out one of those trusty Lush bath bombs, and taking a bubble bath. However, you do self-care, it's important regardless.

Self care is important for retaining a healthy relationship with yourself. Putting effort into yourself strengthens your sense of self love. Along with the physical aspect of self love, comes the emotional aspect also.

Participating in emotional self care helps you get rid of stress, and also helps you refocus your energy. It eliminates the whole "burnout" that happened when stress, and other emotional factors build up over time.

To me, the simplest form of self care is eating right, keeping good hygiene habits, and taking time to pamper myself. These small but simple changes in your life/ routine can make such a big difference. Simple things like face masks, a new perfume, a hair mask, all can make you feel so good.

Everyone should practice self care. No matter your gender, it can make your life so much better. 

Image:  Blog


Such an important lesson, good to share this. I sadly had to learn the hard way through a burnout, but it did drive the point home.

Good, keep fighting :) Don't give up