Live & Let Live Starts with Putting Down the The Double Edged Sword of Deceit

in #life7 years ago


Husband: "I'm going out to the store. Be back in an hour."

Wife: "Ok"

An hour and a half later: "I'm home honey."

"Where were you?" What was he up to?

"Aw, just ran into people at the store, you know...Jesse and them."

He hates Jesse...why would he talk to him for half an hour...where was he REALLY?

"Where have you been, did you go see that girl????"

"I told you, I was at the store! I HATE being unjustly accused!!!!"

The chill frost of mistrust tinged with anger fills the room.

Why does she do this? There's nobody more loyal than me. She doesn't get me at all! What am I doing with her if she does't even know me?

See girl, stay on your guard, you can't trust him.

Neighbor comes over: "Hey guy, saw you at the store and I really liked the way you gave it to Jesse. He's got to wise up to what's really going on."

Wife catapulting into a pool of self doubt...... I was wrong?!... again. When will I remember ...I can't trust myself... ever. (guilt seasoned with a dash of self-loathing.)

I don't deserve his love. How can I trust him when he says he loves me when I'm really this piece of ****. Back to cold and lonely square one.

Funny isn't it, that when we lie to someone...'get it over on them'....we risk that they may find out and there goes the trust between us. Yet we've been taught by the subtle hand of society that getting it over on another is kinda worth it ...that the best way to survive in a world of survival of the fittest is to get it over on someone else.

OK ...we're mostly grown up enough now, are conscious and moral enough to know that's not 'good' or how we wish to be treated. And still we deceive ( ourselves and others ), not only because we can get away with it but because we don't see the hidden cost.

Husband: "Why don't you trust me?"

Because you love me and I'm not very lovable.

Husband: "When did I ever lie to you?"

Wife: "I don't know...."

When we deceive another we not only break their trust of us...but we break their trust in themselves. When we don't trust ourselves we don't assess others well and make mistakes in knowing who and when to trust. We get burned again and again. And we learn to mis-trust inappropriately, straining and staining the love that exists.

And so it goes, round and round, down and down to the chilled landscape of security systems installed to know if our security systems are secure enough to trust our security systems.

The only way to win is not to play.

If we ever wish to agree to attempt to Live and Let Live it can only happen by building a foundation of fragile trust. Which can only happen when we put down deceit because if Trust is broken it has to be re-built brick by brick. Trust of the other and trust of self. From square one and lonely.

Love can exist no matter has amazing resilience. Someone can tromp all over us and we can still love takes a lot more to break love.

From the resiliency of the platform of Love can we dare to imagine a world where Love is married to real Trust? A miraculous synergy opening the door to the largely unexplored territory of more 1 + 1 = way more than 2. A new adventure for humanity.