Sorry to hear you didn't like the channeling. It's not for everybody.
I do trust the channeling after 23+ years. I've literally changed my life in working closely with the energy channeled...and I know they have some quirks like the overuse of the word dynamic. We haven't been able to get them to change it...annoying. And yes, they can seem to to be egoic. There are reasons for their seemingly impertinent interruptions that are purposeful at depths beyond the perception of domination. But that would be for another discussion.
I appreciate you taking the time to ask for my personal voice and integration of the work I've done with the channel. I am in some ways more user friendly. If you wish to read more from my heart and soul you might enjoy this post https://www.peacegenesisproject.org/surviving-our-hearts/.
As to the content around gender healing...it is a work in progress for this year. I've come to know who I am in my soul and am largely - though not perfectly - at peace with my life, complete with its bumps and detours. With the peace I find my gaze rising from my own problems to the heightening divisiveness in the world. Since the one division we all share is gender, it seems a good place to start. I wish to use what I've learned from the channeling about healing, forgiveness and the purposefulness of these giant questions being posed to all of humanity now.
I fervently believe we have a chance, a window, an opportunity in this time of rapid change to like a flock of birds in mid- flight change the direction of humanity's growth in a cosmic nano-second. If you made it this far you might find a bit more - short - of my thoughts here on Steemit - the post "BeyondBalance".
Thank you again.
It just now occurs to me that, assuming channeling is real—and I have reason to believe it is possible—channeled entities are not all on the same "level." Perhaps what I found off putting was that this entity seemed no more valuable than speaking to a smart human.
This doesn't mean there is no value, just that I found less value than I have with, for example, the Ra channelings found in the Law of One series. Anyway, I'd never ask someone to stop doing something they find helpful (assuming that thing doesn't harm others)—so you do you!
🙏नमस्ते 🙇