Women, are we really that shallow?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I just saw another increasingly early Christmas ad for jewelry wrapped in the luster of capturing a woman's heart.


Are we of the female gender so shallow as to sell our attention and care for bits of mineral strung together in a maybe visually pleasing way? Are we magpies? Yes... jewelry will actually help us to navigate through our day of responsibility to maintain our life and the lives of those around us! In this complicated and demanding world, a rock around my throat is insurance and/or proof of ownership...or it will make me pretty ...which we know pays the bills. What century are we living in?

Sounds pretty primal to me... and we wonder when we see the male gender playing at this game we created with parroting the buy and sell mode of responsibility.

We may all be in it together, but that doesn't mean we're fair in our doling out to the genders the responsibilities of life. The real responsibilities of getting from one end of the day to the other relatively intact...physically, emotionally and even spiritually (if you consider morality an important value) are deeper than carats.

As long as we as women continue to play in the shallows of the beauty myth, competition and comparison and survival of the fittest based on the size of the rock on my neck, we can expect nothing better from men. You know and I know men follow our lead. Do we wish to stay cave people? And once buying and selling are established modes of interaction..then we are all for sale. There is a reason the figureheads on ships were most often women, our responsibilities demand a depth of heart and vision most of us are frightened of. It is much easier to be 'Attractive' and lead men around and then act surprised when they are swayed by the 'Attractive'. And we scoff when they ask nothing more of themselves, because we have asked nothing more of ourselves. So easy to blame. We women determine the depths at which we all play.

So let's suck it up and actually demand of ourselves to step up and take the responsibility that is undeniably ours....to bring forth and nurture life. And that kind of empowerment is not in the cave, at the counter at Jared's or in a birdbath with a bunch of magpies.

And for all you men out there, wouldn't it be nice to have a full partner in responsibility rather than a trophy who actually has you by the rocks around the neck?

We can all do better. The vision & heart to safely steer humanity through the waves of change now is up to us. You have it.
Just look to the depths of your heart...its there. The courage to be wrong in the pursuit of what is right.
And the world is screaming for it.

Peace ( the increasing requirement for humanity's survival ) Begins with Enough for All.

Women, this is a Christmas wish befitting our gender.
Joy to the World - all the boys and girls.


down the rabbit hole further:

Magpie photo: By Alexis Hilton Hope (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons