What Up Peoples,
I just wanted to do a quick vlog this morning to talk about the past month. I'm really trying to manage my time between work and life at the moment. Steemit has been a part-time outlet for me over the past year.
It's crazy how now everyone around me is talking about it now. It kinda cool and surreal as steemit was more of my thing and now everyone around me is into it now.
At any rate I'm going to be spending more time creating new music and sharing some of my unreleased tracks. Thanks again for all of the people that make steemit such a great place.

▶️ DTube
Well done ..
You have to learn that it is wonderful to have an active life
Thank you for sharing with us your experiences
Looking forward to hearing some of your new tracks! Yeah when Steem is rising this much it just makes me want to focus on it instead of normal work lol!
It's funny listening to you talk about @edjag that way at 4'21" :D
J/K - it's fun to see her get so into it, and I'm happy that you've found a platform to leverage. Thanks for guiding the way for us!
I think it is harder, in a way, to speak your voice when there are people you know listening. Nobody wants their biggest critic to end up being someone you have to reconcile with. But I also believe that it's liberating to have a medium where you can carefully construct a message so it comes out polished instead of a hot mess, and you learn that your loved ones will keep pulling for you even when you share the stuff deep inside.
I was actually talking about @world-traveler. 😂😂 @edjag can't compete with the level of persistence this chick has. It's been none stop for the past week. Mr. @world-traveler is going to kill me!!!
Yea I'm still a bit shell shocked to be honest though. I didn't expect my vlogs to do as well as they have. With that I want to give people some substance without getting to personal. I started this when we came down to visit you guys. It was more to teach others how to leverage the platform.
@alao and @world-traveler challenge accepted! 😂😂
I love this vlog. A good one. Can't wait to hear your tracks. Release the unreleased. ☺
I want you to put on your new music
Just put up a track today.
thanks for the vlog g hope to hear your track soon.
I just put one up today. I'm going to start digging through the crates.
alao , you came out of nowhere and you are killing it in Steem with stunning content. This truly shows that when one is dedicated success does not take long to follow.
alao is a straight shooter and I am glad to see that he continues to give solid advice.
Lol my kids love you 😂😂😂.
really cool vlog man. thank you for sharing.. i'm a musician myself and what can i say.. i feel you!
Hey there, I'm in Computer Science too! The college work is really splitting me though, I actually made a post about it today (https://steemit.com/college/@atherz/college-watching-life-from-the-sidelines if you wanted to check it out). Point is, I'm not in the best financial situation but am able to live for around 6 months -- would it be better to go for that part of me that wants to fly, or is the safe route (pushing through this nonsense) really the better path, based on your experience?
Well I went the safe route. Computer Science will always allow you to have a job.
Hey man. what your saying to me resonates with me. I am also a musician.
Dude! I feel you. Life is heavy. I am a programmer too, but I never really put my music down. I was gigging and my job/career allowed me to pay my band mates! I slowed down so that I can learn an instrument. Now I have been playing trumpet 5 years, so I decided to go to school for music while working full time.
School makes me do music because there is a grade involved! I love it it keeps me focused, and I get to learn about something that I love. Think a bout school as your structure!! Good blog man!!
It is great to see DTube community building up more and more every day! I am the ex YouTuber, just to post my first DTube video today! :)
Yea it's pretty cool and humbling..
I love your style gee. I can't wait to listen to your track. Keep up the good work!
let's exchange followers ...follow me, reply that you did and i will follow you back within seconds.
Following you now
i followed you back ..;)
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mos def keep this good material coming
Cant wait to see what you got!
I started steemit exactly when I had a newborn! so some of my posts are about how they both changed my life!! like this one: https://steemit.com/life/@honarparvar/your-life-includes-your-hopes-and-fears-but-having-a-child-changes-everything-read-my-experience
after this baby I had to spend more time home and wrote more. steemit was a coincidence in my life!
I really like your work right now.
follow me @bayusteem
Great video. :)
nice vlog ;)
nice vlog ;)
nice vlog ;)
nice vlog ;)
You're keeping it real man
good videooo!!! congraatsss!! se my last post please! https://steemit.com/music/@palmimusic/luz-de-mi-vida-pablo-olivares-cover vote if you like it
Your article is very good. I love it
Well, I know what you mean, but I for myself don´t have this difference, this antipode work-life. I never work. I always work. It´s the same. I only do things I´d do anyway. I never do things because of the money and I never do things without getting money for them. That´s because I love doing such a broad spectrum of activities (and I´m able to do them), that there always is something of these, which people are willing to pay for. Concerning spending more time making music, well, here we are in the same situation. I´ve spend the whole January working on my album. Now I´m going to produce videos again and continue my series. Have a good time! Rolf
It´s Great your video, I like It...
I just found your profile and will make sure to follow! Hope to hear your tracks and I am glad you chose steemit to share that with us :)
Thank you
Love your vlogs. Looking forward to getting into dSound this month as well.
Thank you
its clicking for me--no one is more shocked than me...
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Happy Steeming