You ready for some motherfucking motivation?
But hold up, this isn't the kind of motivation where I spur you on with some awesome quotes or stories or whatever.
In fact, these may just get you down altogether.
Why? Cause these are all truth baby.
Real talk. Not for the weak of heart. Turn away if you are.
Or you could dig deep, think deep, reflect and rise up awesomer.
#1 On being afraid to fail
Blunt truth: Okay. Don't try anything. Be stagnant. Stay in your comfort zone and don't move out. Continue wondering your whole life "what if" it's greener on the other side. THAT'S how it's going to be for the rest of your unfulfilled life.
Or you could just muster up some courage and TRY.
#2: On being afraid to meet people
Blunt truth: Stay home then! Let your mom be your best friend your whole life. Don't meet people. Let your life be about video games, Facebook, YouTube, TV and your bed. Don't bother seeing the light of the day so you can end up being pale as fuck.
Or you could just get out of the house and start socializing so you'd realize not everyone are assholes and you're pretty cool just by being you.
#3: On struggling with an online business
Blunt truth: Let me extend the idea of, "If it was so easy, everyone would be doing it".
If an online business is simply a matter of, "Build it and people will come", then everybody who starts a shitty free Blogspot, Wordpress, Joomla, Wix, iPage or whatever blog would be in business and making money already.
If it was as easy as learning the ropes, then everyone who paid for a $97, $997 or even a $3000 course or coaching would be wildly successful and earning 6-figures.
If it was so easy, then I wouldn't have to write this part for you.
Stop whining on why things are so hard. It was never meant to be easy. Just work hard and keep moving forward.
#4: On wondering why you "suddenly" had to struggle
Blunt truth: What? Your overnight success suddenly became work? You're suddenly losing money? Things suddenly feel hard and you don't know how to deal with it?
Too bad man. That's life. Every single one of us, even the so-called prodigies and gurus have our own set of challenges.
Don't be complacent bitch.
#5: On being hurt by friends and loved ones
Blunt truth: People change man.
It sucks, but you gotta let it go. Let them walk their own path.
They need to make their own mistakes. LET THEM.
The point is difference is when they actually come back to you and you've the choice of being a nice, forgiving person or a vengeful asshole.
#6: On people disagreeing with you even though you feel you didn't do anything wrong
Blunt truth: Lo and behold! Not everybody agrees with you. You aren't always right. The world doesn't revolve around you. And you certainly can't please everybody.
In fact, if you keep insisting on your own shit and feel that everybody else should agree with you, it's a sign of immaturity WHOA.
Get over yourself eh?
#7: On constantly procrastinating
Blunt truth: Don't get anything done then. Let it be known that inane things like randomly surfing Facebook and YouTube for unimportant crap gets in the way of your life.
Or you could just get off your ass and just do it. The start is always the hardest, so just wait for that momentum to sink in.
#8: On thinking your life sucks
Blunt truth: I don't know who you are, but I'm assuming you're doing pretty alright as you're reading this from your own phone or computer.
There're people out there who don't even have the basics like food, water, shelter, a few bucks a day much less a friggin computer.
Be grateful damn it!
#9: On why your life isn't getting any better
Blunt truth: If life's problems could be solved simply by reading a bunch of self-help books, blogs or attending a single seminar, then the whole world would be at peace.
You need real life experience. That's how you gain real clarity about you and your life. So get out there and make shit happen.
Oh and you also need time. So by god, be patient.
#10: On trying to get attention on social media
Blunt truth: You look ridiculous and everybody is just laughing at you.
#11: On being upset with the state of the world
Blunt truth: You don't owe the world a living. Neither does it owe you one.
Others' problems are not yours. Don't make your problems other people's problems too.
Keep your own conscience clear and just go with that.
But yeah the world is filled with assholes, bad shit happens to innocent people, life is unfair and it's all just so unpredictable. Don't be paranoid.
#12: On becoming a better person
Blunt truth: You aren't perfect. You screw up and piss people off. Stop blaming others and take responsibility for your own shit.
Then you need to reflect. That's how you grow up. Then you gotta make the choice to be better YOURSELF.
Nobody owes you a living.
#13: On disagreeing with this post
Blunt truth: Did I hit a nerve?
Whatever. Call the police. I don't care. bitch.
Awesome post. Love the real unfiltered talk - keep it up bro.
Blunt truth?
Great post so suck it up and deal with THAT!
Right on! Great advice