Kind all day and night!
I told the way that I just start lovem y life that is around me, that surrounds me, wherever I was. I thought, and I came to the conclusion that today I would like to tell you about another effective method quickly and pleasantly to restore my strength. He will be associated with, do not believe, flowers!
For the first time I heard that maybe the colors leave a mark on me a couple of years ago, when I began to be interested in esotericism.
The first scientifically based guess was created in the 1930s by scholars from India. In the modern world there is a whole direction in medicine, I'm sure you've listened to his name, - color therapy. Now scientists have long concluded that any color causes certain biochemical reactions in the body, stimulates some departments in our brain, for example, the pituitary gland (which produces various hormones, which directly affects our emotional and physical state!).
Now, I would like to talk quite a bit with you about the alphabet of flowers, where I will tell the most common colors and their influence on us. In general, all colors are divided into stimulating and soothing. The colors that leave the stimulating effect are yellow, red, orange and all their shades. And soothing colors are green, blue, white. There is even a theory that the first three colors are more suitable for phlegmatic and melancholic, in the second two colors - for sanguine and choleric people. (I think that this is all very conditional)
White color - it has a therapeutic effect on our central nervous system, as well as helps the body to purify itself of various slags.
Red - it has a strong and exciting effect on the human nervous system. This color improves metabolic processes in the body, it speeds up our blood circulation (which is useful for lowered blood pressure), and, consequently, increases cardiac activity. If you overdo with red color, then it can cause headache, emotional and physical fatigue.
Green color - it affects us soothingly, (very useful in moments when children "go crazy", so wallsin kindergartens often are gently green). He also removes negative emotions and irritation. In addition to everything I have already listed, this color stimulates the pituitary gland. If the green color is too small, then it contributes to nervous exhaustion.
Blue color - in general, I personally, blue color is associated with the cold and some strength, power. And you? It has an effect on the intestines and stomach, it helps with severe pain in the throat, allergies. Even in ancient Egypt, a patient with a bleeding, was asked to look at something blue and in no case red. Modern psychotherapists use it as a sedative for people in a fit of hysterics. Also, its effect can be applied during headaches.
Yellow color - I associate it with warmth (when I was little, it was my favorite color, because it's the color of the sun, and the sun warms us). This color is also stimulating. It stimulates appetite, helps with insomnia, and also it is used for various skin diseases.
If you want to "test" color therapy at home, then you can buy a book with the name "Mandala" in an ordinary stationery store and try to paint a couple of pages. I tried in those moments when you do not want anything, very tired and when "everything is bad", I really liked it!
And the mood rises (how can it not rise, when you are an hour or two, you look at something yellow and beautiful!) And, what is still very important for me, during the coloring of the mandala, the head rests very well. The bottom line is that the mandala consists of very small components, which is why I was completely distracted from the real World and completely immersed in the World of colors and their combinations.
It is clear that this is not the ultimate truth. I really believe in this (and yet I believe that according to our faith let us be), that's why it works in my life. I can influence myself with the help of colors and I do it at every suitable opportunity.
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