From my experience it is only a part of our ego which fights for its survival at all costs, pushing us into the role of victim good to external circumstances.
In fact, it was these deeply engrained belief systems circulating in the spiritual community which temporarily caused me the most inner trouble many years ago. Until I realized: YOU decide. People believe what they want to believe, but Quantity doesn't make it more or less right.
What I found a very powerful method was to envisage how I want it to be for me. And because I followed that inner voice of my Heart I eventually received the evidence thereof, manifesting itself from the inside out, beginning with deep internal realizations or consciously leaving my body to then drag this expansion of Awareness right into the physical realm. Of course I had some fears but I noticed that these fears were triggered by my externally conditioned thoughts. Imagine how often I had sighs of relief so liberating was it to see and experience that all my conditioned fear thoughts didn't hold any Truth because everything unfolded much more beautiful than I thought, like:"Puhh, my thought-made fears were meaningless after all"
When we don't know about something, our thoughts have a strong tendency towards creating fear for the unknown. It is because our ego gets mad when it loses control.
So regarding this reincarnation thing, it is exlusively about letting go the according thought spiral and belief system, realizing that we NOW have the choice to create as WE want it, having Trust that we'll get the evidence thereof. And getting this evidence once alone is enough to always have some tangible memory to resort to should we ever get entangled in these spirals again.
😃Ok, this was too long again, sorry!!
Preach, sista! 🙌
Survival level of consciousness.
And the beliefs in the “spiritual” communities... yep. lol. :-)