someone once explained me that apparently men accept a job offer even when they only think they have 20 % of the required skills, whereas women think they need them all, which I think is more fair, because why make someone think you can do the job when later both sides have wasted their time and have made themselves ridiculous
I don't think this is gender specific... more like character specific. If you are a responsible person you will always understand your deficiencies and how you can fail in a task or job. If you are an arrogant person you say "sure, let's go" and then reality hits you with a brick.
Responsible people will relate to you and also understand what you are describing. And the fact is that even education and degrees today don't mean shit in cutting-edge fields. There is an inflation of degrees and even in schools where you'd thought that the school name would back the degree, it doesn't happen.
You can be a computing phd and still be inadequate to work on the complex skill set that combines coding in c++, maths, cryptography and game theory that may be required for a blockchain project. Or you can be an eastern-block coder who grew up with a keyboard and you could do wonders with your skills (even if you lack some theoretical aspects that would help significantly - but you can catch up with them if you dedicate time).